The Best Camera…

July 23, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

P-Bass_Charger1P-Bass_Charger1 You’ll never hear me falling for one of those Canon versus Nikon debates. I started off with Minolta in the film days and then made my way to Nikon professional gear for many years. It wasn’t until about half way through my photographic journey that I ended up with Canon gear in my hands. I won’t even tell the story of why because it doesn’t make any difference today. Even so, I’ve always said that the best camera is the one in your hands and this photo is another perfect example of that.

Canon? Nope.

Nikon? Nope.

Samsung! A three year old Samsung cell phone.

And the editing I did afterward? Absolutely no tonal or exposure edits. Natural garage lighting. The only edit was to clone out the protective rag underneath the guitar headstock. I didn’t even do any sharpening or noise reduction. Yes, cell phones have gotten that good if you know when they do and do not perform.

So don’t get caught up in the debates but more importantly, make sure you always have a camera with you, no matter what it is.


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